“Seek First the Kingdom of God”


Your word says that “I should seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and He will give me everything I need.” (Matthew 6:33) So as I seek You first, may I receive wisdom, according to James 1:5, to maneuver through my day to day. Your word says that “You make known my path of life” so God will you guide and direct me? Can You replace my fears with Your perfect love? Can you give me discernment so that I know the difference between good, and what appears as good? Can you flush out any confusion and replace it with clarity through Your Word?
Lord, may I keep my eyes on You, trust in You and be grounded in Your peace, according to Isaiah 26:3. May I be empowered by the Holy Spirit and walk in the full freedom You purchased for me.
I ask for peace of mind. This world keeps throwing its arrows at me and tries to wear me out and burden me but I will rest in You and trust in You, my ever present help. You said that all who are heavy laden and weary should come to You for rest so thank You for being my solace. You said Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light so I will hold on to that word and rest in You. Thank you for keeping me. In Jesus name. Amen.


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